Our task was to give the manufacturer, that is producing it’s goods behind German prison bars by hand, a completely new corporate identity, including a new name.
Name and logo are a mix of wording that’s suitable to it’s target group (schreib = write, werk = small factory) and two brackets. The whole combination is forming a constr. steal beam.

Product photography in combination with textures of the surroundings of the processed material.

A suitable packaging, yet cheap to produce.
For the packaging design, we made a connection to the material and used sawn pieces of concrete pipes because the reinforcing steel is usually used for stabilization in concrete.

Presentation in online eCommerce and distribution
We represent schreibwerk online through a JTL shop. It contains some of our specially programmed shop extensions and designs.

Advertising and Instagram
To gain customers beyond offline sales and print media, we operate an Instagram page with a shopping function, place and manage advertising on the platform and Google Search.